If you can't take a punch from life and be able to get up, ice your eye, and keep moving, the world will eat you. I can hear you all thanking me for this vital piece of life advice. Your welcome!
The old folks would say that you have be able to roll with the punches. In my 32 young, beautiful years of life, I have to say that this is probably the most important lesson I have learned next to do your taxes. Just. Do. Them. The IRS is not f-ing around!
What we are talking about is resilience which, in short, is your ability to digest booboo and keep on moving. This is a characteristic that I admittedly do not have. When I get bad news or when something bad and life-altering happens to me, the first thing I do is cry for what feels like 7 days and 7 nights. This crying is coupled by texting a friend in a panic about the impending doom that I am facing. Then, after this, I usually stuff my face with sugary BSthat only makes me feel somehow high and sluggish at the same time. Once the cookies are gone, I lie down for a series of naps. Let my good friend Tortilla tell it, this is called depression, but that is another post.
I outlined all of that to say that that is a waste of time, especially since it is not a ten minute process. I can stay in a funk like this for a LONG time. And while I am checking out from the world, I am missing out on opportunities and fun stuff and just life in general.
I admire those that can get tossed a raw deal, take a deep breath, and just move on, taking away the lessons they learned. I have started reading a lot of books by women who have, like, made it in life, and this is the quality they all share. Resilience. And right now, your girl TheBG simply doesn't possess it.
I'm working on it though :)