
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ice Cream Spit Job

Just so you know, the week before I get paid you can make a safe bet that I am hungry, primarily because I am broke. So last week, I was rumbling around the house, hungry as usual, and came across Connie's icecream. I shit you not, I took one spoonful. Why only one when I was hungry? Well, I didn't want her to flip out as she is known to do. Plus, when I get hungry like this during this time, I nibble. Eating a lot makes me sick, as proven by The Great Cinnamon and Holly Pizza Benge Of 2011. So, I go out of town on a day trip and she sends me this text telling me she spit in her icecream. Spiteful bs like that makes me forget that I love the Lord and makes me want to take her cat on the Marta train, ride to the end of the line, and throw himin the garbage can behind the grossest Chili's in Atlanta.

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