
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Meds from Hell

I have high blood pressure. I'm not excited about it at all, but I have it. This is a fact.
I was put on a new medication and I hate medication, but quite frankly, I don't eat well enough to try to battle hypertension alone.
I was warned when I first started the medication that it may make me cough and may make me dizzy. Okay cool, right? WRONG!
Four days into taking the pills I was so dizzy that I was walking like I was drunk! And I was having deep, AWFUL muscle spasms. I was just IN PAIN! I started crying in pain just trying to walk down the street.
This caused me to go back and read that little form of side effects they stuff in the medicine bag when you get it. There was a whole lot more on that list than coughing like muscle tenseness, eye pain, blurred vision, dark urine, and painful urine.
My pharmacist friend said I was having cramp spasms because I was probably potassium deficient, so I have been taking bananas to the head like you won't believe and I am not a banana fan. Here's to getting better!