
Monday, July 18, 2016

The Half- Way Point

Last year was such a crazy year for me that I was OVERJOYED that 2016 showed up to put an end to it. I made a list of goals and I was determined to get everything on the list done. And I mean these were life-changing goals ya'll. Now look: July 2016 is here, the year is more than half-way over, and I still have not done everything that I need to do! Not completing my goals depresses me, but today, I find myself awake and alert and motivated to knock some of the goals off of this list. My birthday is in December, and I refuse to turn 32 with the same old unaccomplished goals on my list from when I was 26. I have made lists. I have made plans. I even fell victim to the vision board craze. Now it seems like the only thing to do that I know will bring results is to buckle down and get these things done. I am pretty protective of my goals, but I will share one with you: TO FINALLY LEARN TO DRIVE! I will keep you posted!

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