
Sunday, November 7, 2021


I have never had a broken bone or really any serious injury because I have spent the bulk of my life being almost totally inactive. The most active I have ever been was a short period of time in kindergarten where I was hooked on double dutch and determined to be a playground champion. Well, guys, I'm a long way from kindergarten, and my body told me as much when I injured my hip flexor doing aerobics in the pool at the gym. 
Talk about a nightmare. I am still not fully recovered, I can just tell when my body is about to go south and sit down somewhere. But in the beginning, there was not a day that I didn't cry. I felt like my leg was about to pop off. Ugh, the waddling and the hopping and the maneuvering it took just to go potty. If I would have had insurance, I probably would have gone to physical therapy or something. But I don't, so all I had was prayer and tears. 
Ironically, this would happen after I took a definitive stance to get healthier. The result was me getting increasingly more unhealthy, lying on my stomach, eating junk, and watching Netflix. How many bags of Doritos do you have to eat to cure the resentment you feel towards the universe for making things worse when you wanted to get better? I won't even tell you. It's disgusting. 
I finally made my way to urgent care after I almost fell face first coming out of the bathroom. That was fun, sitting in an urgent care waiting room to be seen while trying not to breathe in coodies in the heart of COVID, only to be told that my x-rays were inconclusive, but that I do have the beginning of Arthritis. EVERYBODY SING! 
I was referred to an orthopedist who told me that he didn't know much about hip flexors, but that my urgent care x-rays were inconclusive. DUH! He wanted me to go to some imagery place and I would have, but I'd had it with being told nothing by professionals. 
So that brings us to today. I'm okay, but I won't be doing any splits any time soon. The first doc said I'd be better in 6 months. People who have had this injury say it takes over a year, realistically. Needless to say I am over it...and out of Doritos. 

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