
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Review: Limoneira Avocado Body Bar and Lemon Avocado Body Butter

I think that I have finally found the perfect soap and lotion combination for my skin. Limoneira's Lemon Avocado Body Butter and Avocado Body Bar left my hopelessly dry skin feeling smooth and lively.
If you are someone that is looking for natural products, Limoneira should be at the top of your must try list. I am traditionally allergic to lemons. A glass of lemonade will break me out like you won't believe! But I found both the soap and the body butter to be incredibly soothing. No itching or breakouts here- the soap has a hearty earthy scent while the lotion goes on the skin cool and refreshingly. I. Am. In. Love.

For those of you that not only care about a product being natural but also about how it is produced, you should also look into Lumineira. They are producing products as sustainably as possible, employing smart water management and solar energy on their grounds. Want to learn more? Visit for more info.

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