
Monday, December 29, 2008

Desperately Seaking Alex

I really want to fall in love.
I tell myself that I do not believe in it, but I do. What can I say? I am a girl.
A silly girl at that that falls in love very quickly with guys who are attracted to me only because they need a friend that they don't want to have sex with.
Sad but true.
A couple of opportunities have presented themselves in my 24 years of life to just give myself to guys that are just as lonely and hopeless as I, and maybe I should have bitten on one of them, but I just couldn't.
You see, I want the love that was promised to me as a little girl; the idea that was formulated in my young, ripe mind by Babysitter's Club books and Lifetime movies that I was definitely too young to be watching. And who could forget Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club? Molly Ringwald had a way of just stepping into everlasting love, and she wasn't even that cute. She even found love in detention!
I see now that little bits of pop culture helped in creating a massive lie in my mind that is impossible to find and live up to. But damn it, I want what I was promised! I am ready to cash in! And I don't want reality love, but the soapy love that requires no effort like I used to see on TV. To say that I am growing impatient is a massive understatement. Where is my Alex from Ghost Writer? I have gone to every Latin-owned grocery store in Atlanta, and I can not find him! I can not possibly be the only person who remembers the passionate kiss he shared with Tina in the garbage can that episode! Where the Hell is my dumpster kiss?
I guess I was stupid for buying into this nonsense but in my defense, I was a child. Love happened for Cinderella and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. If it could happen to fictional white women, why not me? I mean seriously, didn't Lisa Turtle even get Zack that one time?
I see my sister watching "Hannah Montana" and "That's So Raven" where all the love interests always reciprocate feelings and are overwhelming loving for their age. I see that she is being packaged the same huge lie in a small, cute, well-packaged gift box. Yet for some reason, I can not force myself to burst her bubble.
I guess in a place like Earth where life tends to have a way of kicking your ass, a little love lie is needed to hold on to to keep you sane and looking forward to growing up.
However, I fear that my sister, who is ten, will grow up to inevitably reach a point of painful irritation where I currently dwell. I guess I just have to tell myself, and one day will have to tell her, that this point in her young womanhood is necessary to appreciate love when you get it...whenever that is.
So until then, I guess I'll just wait on Alex. Hey, do you think he's still seeing Tina?

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