
Sunday, April 15, 2012


A testament to my overall slackassery is the fact that I have not gone to the laundry mat in a month. I had made like 3 or 4 towel runs to Target because I didn't have clean towels to wash, and I have resorted to washing my leggings and my light knit tops in the sink. However, at this point today, toweless and legginged out, I have to go wash. Don't get me wrong, I usually look forward to washing. I like the feeling that I am getting things clean. What I don't like is the RIGGED washing machines at the local mat that cost way too much. The dryers take way too long to dry. But I am a slave to them, I have no other chose. The other laundry mat was burned to the ground when someone set fire to the Family Dollar (a whole nother post,lol). So, off to wash.