
Friday, January 22, 2010

The Sad Truth

A few nights ago I spoke to my friend Jamaica and she was all mixed up about this marriage thing. It seems that once you turn 24, the bitter marital world tries to push you over the broom, whether or not there is an eligible bachelor within miles of you or not.
Anyway, she was annoyed. Like me, she is a firm believer in love; however, she has become an adult, without her permission, and a combo of the outside pressures, a lack of fellas, and tightly knit career plan time crunch has her wondering if love is needed and/ or worth waiting on when corporate America is telling you that you have two years tops to make it and your gynecologist is telling you that you have ten years before the fruits of your womb are down syndrome candidates. Figure in time for a good old-fashioned courtship. Stressful right?
Then, just a few days ago, I talked to my guy pal P and he believes that men should be allowed to marry one than one woman. It's not sexual, he claims, because women outnumber men by huge numbers. The men would be doing us a favor see, giving as much of us women a taste of marriage as possible. Me being a feminist, this did not sit well with me. But P broke it down like this: I could happily let my husband have more than one baby mama or sit and pretend not to see him having sex with desperate women at clubs. He even went as far as calling me selfish for not being willing to share my mate.
The point of these two tales? How are we as people in our 20s supposed to be prepping to tie the knot when we are not even on the same page? Listening to my stressed out male and female friends I find that whether you are in the "no time to wait" school or the "bundle of wives" school or somewhere in between, I am noticing less and less talk about love; more and more about business and convenience. Is this what marriage has become, or was it always this way and we were just too busy watching Disney movies to notice? Either way, I think I will wait for the real thing...unless my gynecologist advices otherwise.

1 comment:

cellotlhicks said...

Wait for the real thing. I am. The dating world is a disgusting place right now though. If I am single any time soon Imma have to just...I don't know. The polygamy thing sounds whack to me as well. If I am married, I can care less about desperate Susie down the street that wants to be a part of my household. She can keep her drama, manipulation, warts, crabs, lobsters whatever she has to herself.