
Friday, January 27, 2023

Love and Middle Age 2: The Story of ๐Ÿ˜ถ

Just a week or so ago I had another conversation with TAFKAS, and yet again, he had a story for me. I tell you, TAFKAS is the grio of our generation! I take so much from his tales of love, loss, and distress. This go 'round, he told me the story of ๐Ÿ˜ถ.

I remember ๐Ÿ˜ถ fondly from college. In a room full of young adult men who couldn't stop saying stupid ish, he said nothing. I mean, the boy was silent, nearly mute. As someone who over-talks, I appreciated this about him. Whenever I saw him, I'd say, "Hey ๐Ÿ˜ถ!", and he'd nod politely. Yet, according to TAFKAS, this was just the way he was around folks he didn't know. Around those who loved him, he was an anxiety-rising, sarcastic drunk, suffering from, you guessed it, the heartache and disappointment of love not actualized. 

Can I just say that I had no idea that men were out here brokenhearted like this! But I don't know why I am surprised. The older I get the more that I realize that we are all broken, being kept together with the strength of weak, wet, off-brand Bandaids just so we can go outside without falling to pieces. 

Anyway, back to๐Ÿ˜ถ . The story of ๐Ÿ˜ถ and Ife would have been a beautiful one if it would have  ever started. The two met at a summer program sponsored by our college for high school students. So by the time I arrived on the campus, they'd already been friends for two years. And I get why a guy would like Ife. She was smart but chill. She was cute but normal; very sweet and easy going. Yet for some reason unknown to anyone, he never tried to get with Ife. Over the years, this apparently has manifested into bitterness that is still present today. I mean, she is married with a family now. And here's another kicker: HE'S MARRIED TOO! He has this in common with ๐Ÿฆ, walking down the aisle when you are in love with someone else. I guess this is a thing, further proving my theory that by 40, you have already met the love of your life. 

What touched me about ๐Ÿ˜ถ's story is that, although I was not close to Ife, is that was familiar with a boy that she dated, XX. This guy was a piece of work. He was what the elders would have called "manish". He was in one of my study groups. I asked him why he was so quiet in the group once and he said he didn't know, then I turned his computer around to see that he was looking at pics of a half-naked booty model. And although he was not a bad guy, he had some annoying qualities. For one, he only wore ankle pants. I mean, come on! Can you image how ๐Ÿ˜ถ must have felt, watching the woman of his dreams date a dude that wore capris and watched soft porn?! It was hard for me to watch! But again, I can connect. Every man I have ever loved ended up committing to women not as cool as me. 

Again, TAFKAS has painted a picture for me about the importance of shooting your shot. If only I would have understoond this when I had shots to shoot. 

P.S. - Where๐Ÿ˜ถ now? According to Instagram, he is just out in the world working and living and being present in his family. I hope that this depiction is accurate. No good comes from being hung up on someone. Ask me...and ๐Ÿฆ everybody else.. 

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