
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tossing and Turning

I can not sleep.
So I roll around on the floor of my room like a beached whale and sit up every three minutes to catch snapshots of reruns of The Fresh Prince and Family Matters, too tired to even think about going to sleep.
What's wrong? Well, for starters, I don't think that I will ever get into grad school because I did so horribly on the GRE, thus I am distressed about not going to school this fall and having to stay at home yet another long, annoying, miserable semester. And since we're going down this road, I also have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Yes, I write for a magazine, but I feel like I should be doing more and making more and trying more!
Then there are my reflections on love lost. That is enough to keep me awake forever. I go from being sleepy to being pissed, thinking of all the fastballs dudes have pulled on me. I think about the boys I can't have. The boys that didn't want me. The boys I now realize that I overlooked. The boys who will soon realize that they are men that are going to have new and improved and shitty things to do to me. God, it's so distressing that I can feel my eyes going bloodshot.
I also feel that everyone around me is moving forward and I am just standing still. Let it be marriage or new jobs, I feel like everyone is growing up and I am mentally like fourteen.
I'm tired or whining all the time, but I don't what to do. I'm tired!
Well, just had to get that off my chest. Now I'm going to watch a late night episode of King of the Hill.

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