
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love Hype

There was once a time when I had all this criterion for the type of man that I wanted. He had to be this and that and had to have this and that. P used to jokingly tell me all that was cool, but I would probably end up losing my virginity to a mechanic on a couch. Sadly enough, this may be true.
Here is the thing: I am lonely. And being lonely is a great eye-opener. You realize that all the things you thought you wanted and that you thought mattered don't, and all you really want is someone genuine and nice and clean to love you.
A female friend of mine recently came out of the closet, and some of our friends aren't taking it too well. I think she is happy because she is now honest with herself, but not so happy with how some of her friends feel and the fact that she hasn't told some of her fam.
My only advice to her was to do her. Seems simple, but is the greatest advice I could think of. She has a really great girlfriend and love is so hard to find, why drop it bc certain folks don't agree? You could dump your lady and live how everyone wants you to, and be majorly unhappy, and your disagreeing friends won't have time to listen to you cry because they will be out enjoying their own happiness.
She appreciated this advice, and I appreciated that fact that I could be honest enough to give it to her instead of falling into the traditional nod and smile friend role.
My lesson of the month: don't sweat the little things. If you find love, keep it in your pocket and never let it go. Hopefully, I can remember this when the right dude crosses my path, even if he doesn't look like Drake and is shorter than me.

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