
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Arrested Development Season 4- A review

I typically do not do reviews on my blog. I try to keep it as journal-like as possible. But I just had to review this.
I did not watch Arrested Development when it was on the air. Clearly, I should have, because the first three seasons I got to see on Netflix were literally side-splittingly hilarious!
Then came the new season that everyone could not stop talking about. I watched it in a day and a half.
First off, I did not recognize Portia de Rossi. Season 4 Rossi is just as beautiful as always, but she looks...different. Oddly, she looks more like herself towards the end of the season, but she looked so much unlike herself in the first episode that, not doing any research before watching, I thought she couldn't make it back for the season so they called a model to stand in as her and just used her real voice for the show.
Could they really not make a happier ending for Maeby?
In the first three seasons I found Tobias funny. In this season, watching him and his junky girlfriend trying to make it as actors made me...angry!
Gob...yikes. The only party of his storyline that didn't make me sad was that "Get Away Getaway" song. However, I did get a kick out of seeing him suck his nephew's finger at the gay club. Niiccee!
Lucille and Buster did not disappoint.
Poor George Michael. It's been five years! They couldn't have given him just a teaspoon more swag then he had as a teen?
And Michael...yikes. How the mighty have fallen. His spiral into nowhere was nearly painful to watch.
As for the dad, I can't deal with him having a twin anymore. One of them needs to die off.
Here's the thing: I feel like the point of this season is that the Bluth's are nothing without each other. But I feel like they could have shown us that in the first four episodes, then put them back together so we could get back to the business of saving the business! All the switch around storylines made me dizzy!
With all this being said, I am still looking forward to the next season if there is going to be one. I like The Bluth's, and I want to see them make it. Hopefully they would have shrunk Buster's hand by then. It was creepy.