
Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Hebru Brantley Penny Candy Exhibit

I'd never heard of Hebru Brantley before I went to his Penny Candy Exhibit here in Atlanta yesterday night. I truly enjoyed it. It was so refreshing to see Black Art that was conscious and thoughtful and beautiful and not super sexualized. I am not at all the art connoisseur- I can not look at a piece and tell you with confidence exactly what I thought the artist was thinking or trying to convey. But his images of Black women as a mammy and as damaged and then as a superhero stroked something inside of me. It made me feel some kind of way. Not angry. Not excited. I can't explain it. Is that what the artsy fartsies describe as art "speaking to you"? Lol. Regardless, I thought that his exhibit was amazing. Check more out about this awesome (and sexy) artist at