
Friday, November 24, 2017

Homecoming Post 5: Clay and the Baby AKA

I wasn't on my feet for 20 minutes during the homecoming step show before my feet started to hurt. You see, I wear really cheap shoes with no arch support. So I copped a squat in front of the University Center to rest and watch the crowd. While I was doing so, an adorable little AKA took a seat next to me. She too was experiencing foot pain from walking up and down the campus in high heels. We got to chattin', me and this adorable 20-year-old junior (let's call her Adorable), and I decided to impart some wisdom to her. I decided to tell her the things that no one told me when I was a young woman at Xavier. 

  1. I told her that if she didn't want to wear heels every day, she didn't have to, no matter what her prophytes said. I reminded her that she bought her letters outright, and if she wanted to attend the rest of the homecoming events in house shoes or a worn pair of Chucks, she could. I actually encouraged her to. Your college years should be partially dedicated to challenging the system. 
  2. I advised her not to be a whore. I know that it is no longer PC to slut-shame, but that if she could help it, she should keep the mileage low on her jayjay. She doesn't want to get to 30 and need a trade in. 
  3. She said that she didn't have a boyfriend, so I told her not to sweat the guy she likes that may not seem interested. I guaranteed her that at her ten-year reunion, he will be depressed and divorced and ripe for the picking. Patience wins the race!
  4. I told her about Jasmine, the scary AKA from when I was a freshman. She made everyone's butt cheeks clench whenever she came around. I asked her to stay sweet but do not let the legend of Jasmine die. #remembertheculture
  5. When I was a student at Xavier, I tried to attend everything because, when I didn't, everyone talked about what I missed like it was the best thing ever. So I let her know that there is always another party or event to attend and to not be afraid to miss out. She can stay in her room and give herself a facial or do her toes. There is always next weekend. 
And we chatted about other stuff. I told her about the time I sat on the AKA bench beside St. Joe to rest my feet after a failed attempt to walk to class in heels. An AKA came over and talked to me for about five minutes before telling me to get up. She didn't move until I was successfully limping off to class. LOLs, that's one of my favorite freshman moments.
I felt good afterward, unloading all my knowledge and experience on Adorable, but if she is anything like me, she will forget everything I said and make her own mistakes. This is the beauty of being young. 

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