
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blast from the Past

I am that person that will probably have the same job forever simply because I will not want to interview for another one. I hate those weird questions that you want to answer honestly but can't because there is that "acceptable" answer that you know they want to hear. "What would your last employer say is your worst quality?" asks the interviewer and you are thinking, lying, stealing, consistent tardiness, sleeping on the job, bad customer service skills, inability to complete a task, a short temper, laziness...But you say in your false, chipper voice, "Well David, that would be working too hard!"
Please. The whole thing is a joke.
Yesterday I had an interview for a PT gig doing administrative work. It seemed that every woman in Atlanta was there with their creased black slacks and pointy-toed shoes. It was raining cats and dogs. My resume was soaked and my flats were soggy. I tried to maintain a positive attitude, but I was not there three minutes before I was ready to go.
Then I saw him.
The interviewer walked into the lobby, requesting the next group of applicants, and I got a pang in my chest. I knew this guy. His gelled hair and khaki pants gave me a flashback to those ever- so-horrible high school days. I could see him in the hallway kissing his girlfriend, in the cafeteria talking with friends. I ALWAYS forget names, but I never forget a face.
My stomach was tight. Let's just say that those four years of high school were not my finest hour. If this guy remembered me remotely, I was definitely not getting the job.
So it is my turn in the group interview and I am looking him up and down. My stomach is so tight that I am praying I don't fart when he asks me my name and skills. But I looked and him, I mean really looked at him, and relaxed. He wasn't the guy I had mistaken him for. No, that guy was younger and skinnier. I didn't remember him wearing glasses either. I sat up confidently. Everything was good. Name, check. Skills, check. Round one, check.
When it was my turn again, he looked over my resume for a rather long time. The gassy feeling came back. He looked up at me and said, "I knew you looked familiar. I see here we went to the same high school."
"Yeah we did!" Fake excitement. I was mortified.
"That was so long ago, a different time," he says.
This, of course, caused me to stumble during the rest of the interview. Afterwards, I grabbed my damp belongings and ran back into the rain. I could not get out of there quick enough. I got an education just to end up being interviewed by someone from high school?! Ewww! I wanted to drop dead.
I guess what scared me the most is that I have done a good job of avoiding my old high school peers. Besides the ones that I still talk to, I rarely run into them. Seeing him forced me to realize that high school was not a bad dream, it actually happened, and those gremlins I once pep rallied with are still alive and roaming the Earth. This particular guy never did me any harm but still, if he was around, who else was out there? Honestly, I don't want to think about it.

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