
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A-Town Obnoxious

If I was not from Atlanta, I do not know if I could live here, because I have to live in a place where I have a solid, trustworthy friend circle, and I could not see myself befriending Atlanta's new pretty pretty saditty girl.
I grew up in the old Atlanta where old people spoke to you and kids were only sort of bad. The Atlanta where you licked honeysuckle from bushes during recess and ate noodle soup on your porch. I have to say, I have made friends for life growing up in this city.
But when I look around myself, I see women who are unfamiliar to me. And not unfamiliar as in I don't know them, but unfamiliar as in not like the Atlanta woman I am used to. They are either so ghetto you fear that if you compliment their shoes in the club bathroom line they will shoot you in the face or so obnoxious that they may laugh at you for thinking for a moment that they would speak to you.
Ironically enough, these women do not differ in style. You can see the white tips on their nails in the dark. Handbag dangling from wrist. More blush on their cheeks than Barbie. Chewing gum in stilettos and leggings. They are totally unapproachable and intimidating. They are like really pretty bad dreams.
I don't like calling myself a Georgia Peach because I was not born here, although I have lived here for most of my life. But I come from a school of Atlanta women that is not afraid to make her own biscuit mix. The Atlanta woman who keeps stamps in her wallet and calls women older than her ma'am...NO MATTER HOW YOUNG THEY THINK THEY ARE (that's a big one).
Sigh. When will people realize that you can't be southern without the hospitality?

1 comment:

The Future Mrs. Wills said...

I can only hope that when I come to Atlanta I can be a part of the Atlanta chapter of the circle of friends. You do have a circle, even if that circle stretches all over the United States. Time does not change the bond that was forged from nights of drunken madness, late study sessions before partying, Wednesday night strip club buses, and then Lestor Love and the Lovettes on Sunday. We are still here. By the way, great blog hun.