
Monday, April 8, 2013

Obsessive Compulsive Dysfunction

At times, I can be a bit OCD. Just a bit. And by a bit, I mean that my room not being clean can send me into a depression.
Yesterday I went to go wash, and a woman came into the Laundromat to wash her clothes too. Funny, she didn't look crazy. As I sat trying to read my new Essence (Janelle Monae looks amazing) I found myself staring at her while she washed. First off, it took her like an hour to load her wash. Let's just say that first. All of her clothes were individually packaged in grocery bags, and she loading them into the washing machine with industrial gloves on. You know, the thick rubber ones that go up to your elbows? And she lined the washer in Woolite instead of putting it in the little dispenser. It was just strange.
Oh, and her panties. She also individually bagged these in grocery store bags, but put them in the washing machine in the bags! I'm not sure what the purpose of this was, and I really wanted to ask. Didn't.
Man, and she looked normal. I guess I do too. You probably wouldn't imagine that I spend the bulk of my life crippled by worry and scared of Herpes infection when I am  not at risk of it, but I do. Watching her fold her clothes into clean, new grocery bags once they were dry was a very creepy look into the mirror.