
Monday, January 6, 2014

The Price of Being Cold

It is freezing in Atlanta and my heat doesn't work.
I have a space heater that I am afraid to use as much as I need to because of how much it is going to cost.
The apartment complex I live in has advised that I keep the water dripping so it won't freeze in the pipes, but I am not paying for that!
It is so cold that I thought about unplugging my refrigerator and just putting my food outside in a box to stay fresh, but I'm scared that it would get stolen.
Going downstairs is unbearable. You can see your breath when you exhale. So I spent money I don't have to order food just so I can spend more time next to my space heater.
Oh the space heater. I sit so close to it that the heat on my face is giving me a tan.
I am afraid to get my next power bill. I can't imagine how much it is going to cost, but I have to say, I am freezing! I can't take it!
Sadly, I have to report that I am too poor to get cold.