
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Lyft Love

So since the last time we spoke, I have gotten addicted to Lyft. It is cheaper than Uber, which annoyingly locked me out of my account, and let's be real: I hate the bus, even though that is more in line with my budget.
Taking a Lyft ride when I have a bus pass is like standing on top of my apartment building and throwing money out of my purse. But in my defense, the bus is horrible. I have a habit of sleeping past my stop when I am coming home from work, and the other riders have cooties.
One night about a month ago I requested a Lyft and got a hottie. He was like super duper tall and had a beard. Need I say more? Taking advice from a previous Lyft driver who told me that women need to flirt more with men because if you wait on a man to flirt with you, you will be waiting forever, I began to flirt with him. I have to be honest, my exhaustion and desperation made it pretty easy to lay it on pretty thick. The result: I got his number and it was his actual number. Success!
Or so I thought. About three rides in of back and forth flirting and hearing about his daughter and baby mama I asked myself: at this point, shouldn't I be getting free rides or something? Then I realized: no, I shouldn't be, because he is not interested. He is just using me so I can keep getting him for rides! Duh!
I haven't requested him since my epiphany on principle but I am torn as to whether or not this was a bad thing. I got a ride home and some eye candy. But I am going to say it was to keep money in my pockets, which sucks, because he was super cute.

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