
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Solange Said Let It Go

Earlier this year I lost a good friend. He went into the hospital and didn't come out. He died in less than a week, and when I got the call that he died, it was like someone had pushed the reset button on my mind.
Self-awareness moment: I can be a lot; dramatic, extra, petty, etc. These are things I have always wanted to change about myself, but that I had talked myself into believing were the quirky things about my personality that made me special so I wouldn't have to do the work. In reality, they have been the chains around my ankles preventing me from elevating.
The connection: the passing of my friend made this fact come to the surface as something I need to deal with, now. On top of this, I need to take a hard look at my friendships.
I consider myself a good friend but again, if we are talking honestly here, I can be a lot. I need a shoulder to cry on a lot for some friends, and for others, I am not their shoulder enough. I hold on to people who I know could care less, while I fight for those that I know I have outgrown or vise versa. This became very clear when I lost a friend who was a huge part of my life and development that I hadn't talked to in ages, more focused on people who could give two shits.
I'm upset with myself about this, but Solange said let it go. I'm working on it.
Every year I make resolutions that I don't follow through on. This makes me feel bad about myself, so I decided not to do any this year. However, if I had to have one, it would be to have the strength to let go of friendships that have run their course and be content with the good memories the friendship brought me. On the other end, I have to be cool with people letting go of me. This could end with me having no one to my left or right, and I'd have to be cool with that, even though it's scary.
This will be VERY hard for me, but I feel that if this is successful, I will feel lighter. I will keep you updated.

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