
Friday, September 4, 2009

The Sorta Situation

So right after I post my Craigslist ad who calls me? You guessed it! Sorta Beau.
Apparently, I wasn't dumped. He has been working overtime to build up his finances for the baby. Yes, the baby. How could I have forgotten about that adorable...sweet...blessing of a baby?
After talking to him for about an hour I could not believe that I had thought about talking to someone else. He's nice and he's sweet and he gets my off, at times morbid, humor, and I am comfortable with him. He is the worn, ran over Nike to my tattered gym sock.
So what is the problem?
The problem is what it always has been: he does not live here and is hesitant about doing a long distance thing. Plus, there is that whole baby mama black cloud that will not pass over. Realistically, it will never pass over, and I have to deal with that if I want this to work, especially since he has decided to be in the child's life ( like I would date a man who ditched his kid).
At first, I did not think that I would have anything against having a long distance thing, but I see that I must, because I did not hear from him for a week and was already searching for a new beau. It scares me to realize that I am that needy; that I am like every other woman in this way.
Yet still, I think that the real beef and potatoes of the situation is that I STILL do not have a title! We have been talking since February! I know that I am new to this whole dating scene, but is that not a long time to be just talking? I would feel more comfortable with him being so far away if I were his girlfriend, even though he has told me that he is not talking to anyone else. I feel that if I was his girlfriend instead of his friend or beau or whatever the hell I am in this garbage dump of a situation, he would have to be obligated to me; he would have to make efforts to come see me and call me more and stuff.
Now I know that this is fantasy language. I believe it is the great philosopher Lil Kim who has consistently reminded us that a man will do what he wants, no matter what you are to him. But I don't want to just be somebody's something, and that is what I feel like now. I mean, where is the growth?
Although the whole Craigslist situation has shown me that my affections lie with him, I feel like I can not stay on a ship that does not move. Should I tell him that if I do not get the big G name, I have to bounce? Just writing that makes me nervous, because I have seen women do that and it never works out in their favor. Plus, I don't really want to stop talking to him, but I do want more.
I never wanted to be anyone's second fiddle, but clearly I will be once his child is born. Plus, he is working three jobs to prepare. Would it not be bitchy of me to throw out the ultimatum when he has so much on his plate, or should I just stick by the wounded woman theory and keep my interest at heart first and foremost?
How confusing. I guess for now I just have to be content with the I miss you texts and late night phone calls.

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