
Monday, October 24, 2011

Nipped in the Bud

As I shared with you all recently, I met a guy (nicked Ice Tray) at the UPS Store and really liked him. So, I decided to call him at his job and ask him out on a date.
He said no.
Because he is married.
I am proud of myself for asking, but I am a bit concerned. I really, really hope that I have not developed a sweet tooth for married guys. True enough, I didn't know Ice Tray had a wife, and he didn't seem at all like Dreads. I just hope that I don't see this characteristic in guys and pounce on it, because I can't take Dreads situations for the rest of my life.
He had offered to make me this drink he makes, called "Drink for the house" and I was going to go pick it up last Wednesday. But I decided against it. What's the point of getting myself all familiar when he has a wife. Aren't you proud of me?

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