
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Not A Pet Person

So Connie hadn't been buying her cat Jimmy food which made him, how can I say, violent.
Three days in a row, I would go in the kitchen to make my dinner, and he would rub up against me and pur and crap. Which grossed me out because he has fleas. Then, when he realized he didn't have any food, he would scratch and bite.
I hate Jimmy.
He is like a baby, and I don't have nor desire kids at this point in my life. He's needy. He's annoying. He brought flees in the house. He gets on the furniture and he runs between my legs. I can't stand him!
The other day it rained and he was gone outside for a couple of days. I was hoping he had run away, but no such luck.
This experience with Jimmy has taught me that I am truly not a pet person.

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