
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Run In

So, I was at this event for my job and I saw this girl that looked really, really familiar.
Well, after racking my brain, I remember that she was in my math class in summer school when I was in the 10th grade. She was older than me and really pretty. Any who, these boys were talking about me and they made me cry and she wrote me this really nice letter telling me I was awesome and pretty and stuff. I never forgot that.
Well, we got to chatting. She is super pretty now and works for Alicia Keys and is pretty much awesome. She had really cool clothes and a really cool job. All I could think about was how cool it could have been if she could have seen me and I looked like Zoe Saldana and was like the president of Universal or something.
Either way, it was good to see her.

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