
Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Lonely Journey

As you all know, I have started attending church. But as with everything in my life, there is drama associated with it.
Point blank, my family hates me going. Why? Well, besides them being joy-suckers, they hate it because it is a non-denomination church and we are United Methodists. OK. But the funny part is that we have not stepped foot in a Methodist church in God knows how long! I just got tired of feeling crappy and bad all the time and started going to church. Plain and simple. You might as well have told my Mom and Aunt that I had started worshipping The Devil!
This annoys me. And it shouldn't because I am 25 and can do whatever I want, clearly. But I have tried to get my siblings involved and that didn't work. My sister rather go to the Kingdom Hall with her little homie (which my mom thinks is cool), my brother Cass is going through is own little baby religious awakening/questioning on his own, and my brother Anthony just doesn't want to wake-up early enough to get dressed to go! As you all know, I can not drive, so my Aunt drops me off on Sunday, equipped with an attitude and a sour face. My mom makes jokes about it. Just yesterday she told me she was going to tell my Uncle Henry on me, you know, the United Methodist minister?
This also makes me sad. And not just because I feel like those closest to me should be happy for me, but have instead chosen to shit on my happiness. That is an everyday thing. It makes me sad that I find happiness and peace at this church and my family wants no part of something positive that I feel is changing my life for the better. I go to church and see families and couples and groups of friends coming to worship. I feel sad because I have to embark on this journey, this important part of my life, alone. I guess I am just going to have to shrug this off and keep trekkin'. It's one of those times where you just have to know what you are doing is right for you and keep on keepin' on. I just wish I didn't have to trek on my own.

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