
Friday, January 21, 2011

Adventures at AT&T

I broke my phone charger like a klutz, and like an idiot, I ordered a charger online and it was not compatible with my phone. This lead to a much dreaded trip to the AT&T store.

Interior-Day: Holly sits on the AT&T waiting bench next to an old woman that is complaining about a phone that she is not sure is broken because she does not know how to use it. Holly is slightly aroused by how the only good looking and heterosexual male agent is remaining calm with this HIGHLY annoying old bag. Holly is a weee bit annoyed at how everyone who has come in after her is getting seen first, particularly a very bottom heavy woman in leggings who is NOT succeeding in getting her wife beater to stay over her hips.
Enter stage left: A tall, buff, light-skinned brotha that looks like he has been taking his aerobics classes in prison. He looks over iPhone cozies before heading to the hippy lady, apparently his girlfriend, to rush her. He is going on and on about how he wants to go work out and she is taking too long. (It is later revealed that the delay has come because AT&T was alerted that hippy lady's credit card was not hers, but had earlier been reported stolen).
Finally, cute gay guy in pink button down asks Holly why she has been waiting so long and immediately exchanges her charger. It does not take as long as it should have because he did not feel like calling customer service. Holly can only laugh at his activator and "Chanel" earrings- those earrings with the back to back Cs.
Exterior-Day: Holly leaves AT&T store, annoyed that she had to leave her house on a cold Friday, but happy her exchange was not as exhausting as it could have been.

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