
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Despicable Me

Readers, you would have loved to see me last night. I was a sight for sore eyes.
I was wearing my black evening dress because I have nothing else clean, and I chugged Minute Maid Fruit Punch out of the 2 liter, while, of course, eating Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos and Butterfingers interchangeably...while watching Golden Girls reruns on Youtube. This morning, I am feeling like crud. My face is a zit pizza, and I have no energy. Yes, I have a junk food/menstruation hangover. Let's name that junkstration. I am suffering from junkstration this morning...big time.
The remedy: water for most of the day. I am even going to the pool to try to burn off an ounce of the Dorito fat that will undoubtedly taking up shop on my hips by tomorrow morning if I don't nip the process in the bud. So later readers, off to the gym I go. Happy Sunday.

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