
Friday, January 21, 2011

King with the Queens

I don't know what you did this past Martin Luther King day, but I spent it nibbling on breakfast muffins with a whole bunch of gay and transgender folks and I must say...IT WAS AWESOME!
And it's not just because of the breakfast part (because you all know how much I enjoy a complimentary continental). A lesi homie of mine invited me to the Bayard Rustin/ Audre Lorde Breakfast because she has done work with one of the event sponsors, AID Atlanta. The theme was resilience, and the panel discussed dealing with being gay and being resilient in the eye of being misunderstood and attacked and murdered. I am SO happy I got to go. I met some cool folks, and also, the egg casserole was on point! I can't place what was in it that made it kind of cake like- cornbread mix or grits. Either way, it was bomb.
You should have seen me in there guys. I was taking notes. There was so much I just wasn't aware of and so much I would like to help with. Hopefully, when I go next year, I would have actually contributed something to the cause.

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