
Friday, August 14, 2009

Taming the Beast

I am going to be honest with you and say that I have pretty much fallen off of my workout regimen. It was like I was afraid of my progress. Every time I stayed on the treadmill a minute longer or lifted a pound of extra weight on the arm curl I would reward myself by going to the pool...until all I was doing was going to the pool. What is the consequence of this? Well, besides feeling like crap and being disappointed with myself and having to get totally reacquainted with the equipment, I now have to see results in women who started working out at the same time as me that are now like 50lbs lighter. I hate not sticking to things.
So yesterday, I went to the gym and decided to workout for real for the first time in like two weeks. But I went there with one goal in mind: to do at least fifteen minutes on "the beast."
"The Beast" is the nickname that this beefed up lady that I met in the gym has nicknamed the Stair Master. She competes in fitness competitions and can stay on that thing for hours at a times at high speed, burning over 1,000 lbs. She filled my head with stories of being able to lose major weight in like two months if I got on the Stair Master instead of the treadmill. So I tried it once and fell off. Literally, I hit the floor from the top step. Luckily, my head landed on a stray yoga ball, or I probably would have cried.
Yesterday, I marched into the gym ready to get on "The Beast." This time, I was determined not to fall because there would have been a huge audience. So I asked one of the trainers, Ms. Bernice, to help me. No exaggeration: I was on the machine for a minute and forty-two seconds before I was pleading to get off. And in that minute, which was the hardest minute of my life, I burned 41 calories. I burn that in fifteen minutes on the treadmill! Clearly, taming the beast is the key to my workout...if I stick with it.
Why am I not at the gym right now? No good reason. I am sitting at home, eating Peanut Butter Cup Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies, buy one get one free, with some cranberry juice. I felt so crappy about my crappy workout, I fell into bad, old habits. No worries. I will go tomorrow. Promise.

1 comment:

cellotlhicks said...

I hate weight issues.
I do, however love seeing results. I gained about 40 in 2 years and was sick of looking at my old clothes and being sad. After a while I realized it was pitiful and my bf was tired of hearing me complain.
This time around...I am actualy enjoying it. I have lost 22 lbs in just over 2 months. I am on Calorie and I am finding new healthy foods. Stuff like lentils, fresh fruit. and TCBY instead of coldstone. Stuff I would not have found if I was still eating 12 inch po-boys. I hated how it felt to feel sad, eat...and then feel sad AND disgusted.
I used to burn off some calories @ the gym, and then eat them back up.
I guess my point is....try to enjoy the process becuase:
A. The weight did not come overnight, it was part of your lifestlye. So if you change your lifestyle, be happy about that and try to be patient. I don't call myself anything bad anymore, cause it just kept me in a vicious cycle. I love my body for more reasons now than how it looks.
B. A year will pass either way, you may as well spend it being good to yourself! What you are about to accomplish, few people can do.