
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Foot Drama

The other day I was walking down the stairs with my fan. The cord some how got in front of me and I slammed my right foot down on the part that goes in the wall.
I have been limping around my house for like three days. I thought a pain in the neck was bad- a pain in the foot is HORRIBLE! It takes me 10 times longer to do everything. Getting up to go to the bathroom is a nightmare in the middle of the night.
Sitting down, my food feels fine. Then I get up, attempt to walk normally, and fall back down to the floor.
I don't want to go into next week with this crap, after lounging around with a frozen bag of peas on my foot, so it's mind over matter time. My foot is better. It's not swollen. It's not excruciating. All is well.