
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Summer Lovin' Revisits

So Pool Guy hit me up early last week. I didn't tell you much about him because I ended up being embarrassed in the end as usual. At the beginning of the summer, we met at the pool, went on a date, made out, then he went ghost. He called me to tell me that his phone had broken, he got a new one, got my number off of the old one, and wanted to see me. Oh, and he now has a girlfriend. We met up, and he told me that he is only dating her for "financial reasons." There was some light kiss kiss, but I told him I couldn't talk to him anymore if he had a lady. I guess that was that, I haven't heard from him.
Then there is Sickles. I am confident that Sickles has no interest in me- that he only texts me so that he stays on my mind. He texted me last night to say hi, 2 weeks after my last text to him went unanswered.
Both guys are cute, but sadly, I think they are both a bust. I really, really like Pool Guy though. That makes me sad. But, as part of my being Shameless, I am trying to remain optimistic. Maybe my fall will bring me more serious love possibilities. Fingers crossed.