
Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Curious Case of Holly Jillene

I feel soooo old.
These days, if I am not tucked into my bed by 10p.m., the following day is going to be a seemingly endless series of naps and irritated bickering. It's funny. My sophomore year of college my buds Rae and Aften decided to stay on Bourbon Street from p.m. to a.m. There, the clubs stay open until people stop buying drinks. By 7 a.m., I was actually falling asleep on the dance stage. If my memory serves me right, by the time we left, the buses had stopped and started running again. Today, when I go out with my girls, I am ready to leave by midnight.
This year, I turn 25, and I fear that my best years are over kiddies. These first 25 passed with the speed of light. If the next are going to go by even half as fast, hot flashes are around the corner. I have friends that have done semesters in Africa and taken impromptu trips to France. I just feel like I have not lived. These days, I spend so much time brushing up on Swine Flu facts and living in fear of catching STDs from toilet seats that I have not been getting out and living life as I should.
Perhaps that will be my New Year's resolution: to live in search of more excitement. Until then, I think I will take a nap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i feel you on the going to sleep early but it is not an everyday thing for me...but i love me some naps.