
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Tight Situation

So my friend Bells calls me and tells me that she wants to have sex with her boyfriend, thus ending her 26 years of virginity, however, there is one problem: her jay-jay is too tight and her boyfriend's penis won't go in. It's the stuff sweet dreams are made of.
Ironically, she tells me this like two months after I saw an episode of Tyra about this very topic. Apparently, some of the women on the guest panel were so vaginally tight that they couldn't even wear tampons, forget having sex with their boyfriends and husbands. One guest had been married to her husband for two years and could not do it, so she had to get silicone injections into her vagina like 40 times!
This is what I thought about when Bells told me the news. It kind of gave me the chills. I mean, you save yourself thinking about the magical time that you will get to have sex, and then that time comes, and you cannot perform! What a cruel joke.
So of course, I really didn't know what to tell her. She said it was uncomfortable, and every time it was time to do it, it was just too painful to finish. She decided that she has to loosen up. How you may ask? By buying a dildo and using it on herself.
Man, until she told me about all of this, I had not really thought about the humility that goes into having sex. I mean, is this the reward you get for waiting for love: silicone injections and dildos?
Well, I guess there is a price to pay for everything. In this case, no pain, no pop. All I have to say is that if something similar happens to me my first time, I will take it as the last true sign that sex is not for me and live a lonely life that lacks intimacy, you know, like I always dreamed of.

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