
Friday, July 17, 2009


Can I just say that I HATE public displays of affection?
There is truly, truly nothing more gross and disgusting and obnoxious to me than seeing couples kiss and hug in public. Call me a hater, but I could give two fricks about how in love some random couple is to the point that they have to stop every five steps and slob each other down!
My friend Chloe says that I am bitter, and I wouldn't enjoy hanging out with her and her Latin lover because they are a total PDA couple. Bitter? Whatever. It's gross.
Last weekend I went bowling, yes bowling, with the usual suspects: Tasia and Dev, and one of their buddies. She is a nice enough girl, but she and her boyfriend got on my nerves. Whenever she would get up to bowl, she would have to come back and sit on his lap, as if there was nowhere else to sit. Then, at the Waffle House afterward, they were all hanging on each other. Riddle me this: what is so romantic about the bowling alley and the dingy Waffle House that a couple can not give each other two inches to breathe? ANNOYING!
No, I do not have a boyfriend. But if I did, I feel that there would be other ways to let the world know he was mine, like holding his hand or even just talking to him, besides PDA. It is just tacky to me. Why can't displays of love be pushed into the bedroom with everything else that was once sacred in this society? Why do innocent and yes single bystanders have to be smothered by and subjected to the random love of passersby and even worse, friends?
I'm sure that this makes me sound even more bitter than even I intended, but hey, it's how I feel.

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