
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Have You Seen Blackfish??

OMG! Have any of you seen the documentary Blackfish? I was not able to see it on CNN, but it is now on Netflix. The documentary talks about the life of Killer Whales, or Orcas. Primarily, it discusses the life of Tilikum, the SeaWorld show whale that had killed three people. The doc hinted it was because he was stressed out, annoyed, and mentally unstable due to living in captivity. Man, this whale has been through it! And today I read an article on CNN that SeaWorld is releasing ads to deal with the bad publicity. I mean, people are saying they are never going to or returning to visit SeaWorld. Even if you aren't an animal lover, you would love this documentary. It lead me to do more research on Orcas.