
Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter Rebound

It is officially winter time folks, and if you don't know what that means, it means that all the lonely people have been purged out of their hiding places, dying of thirst. There is something about chilly weather that makes loneliness unbearable. And, in my opinion, the natural need for warmth can send one into the arms of a loser they don't like just so they can make it through the season.
Opinion. What am I saying? Experience has led me to this conclusion, and I have made it my mission not to fall into the same winter trap. This is going to be no easy task kids. Every guy I have ever talked to even a little bit who is not in a relationship has already texted me and it is only December 2! The circumstances are against me. I am alone in my apartment since my roomie left and I could use the company. I'm cold, and I would love for a guy to comment on how great my hair looks now that it is growing but I shall be strong! Keep me in your prayers as I try to make it to March without becoming or looking for a winter rebound.