
Friday, December 6, 2013

Man Hater

I can feel myself steadily beginning to hate men. Like, really hate them.
I used to really dislike the term "man hater" but I have to say, it is beginning to fit me.
God, when they aren't being annoying and irritating and rude and disrespectful, they are just in the way!
Yesterday, I was verbally assaulted by a wino at the bus stop. He sat so close to me that his body heat was making the hairs on my arms raise, and when I refused to talk to him, he offered me some of his potato chips. When I declined, he got mad, touching my hand, and then yelling in my face, while spitting out chips, "You don't have no ring on your finger!"
Ugh, it was so gross!
Then, just now I went to get my clothes out of the dryer. Apparently I was taking too long, because this man in there was on my ass, breathing liquor down my neck, as I raced to get my damp clothes in the basket.
I've just had it with the endless nonsense. If I was a girl acting like this, I would have been beaten up or something by now.
Sigh. Irritation.