
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holly and the HIV Test

So today I went to the HIV clinic to partake in free testing for World AIDS Day. This guy doctor calls me back to his office that is literally wall to wall condoms and fake wieners. So he asks me all these questions, and, being a good patient, I answered them all honestly. He then tells me that he can not test me because I am not at risk of infection!
Double blink. I go, "Wait, are you refusing to test me?"
He tells me to wait there while he goes to talk to his boss. He then comes back and asks me if I shoot up. I tell him no and he tells me, again, that he can not test me.
Guys, it was COLD in the A today. With a skirt on and a thin sweater, I walked against ARCTIC WINDS and amid TERRIBLE downtown traffic and begging junkies to do my part as a responsible young citizen, timidly entering the dating world, to be told by a health care professional, specializing in HIV/AIDS, that I could not be tested.
Why? Well, the CDC has some type of guideline that says that they will only flip the bill for free testing for people that are at risk. If he tested me, he put himself at risk of losing his job and the nonprofit at risk of losing its funding.
So we sat there in silence for a second before I said, "No seriously, test me." And he was like, "No."
As he escorted me to the door, I have to say, I was pissed! Who has ever heard of someone being denied an HIV test?
One, women lie all the time. They go to the doctor and say that they are angels just because they have been sluts and don't want to be judged. What if I was that woman and got turned away like I did today? Think of all the folks I could have infected!
On top of that, I am a young Black woman. They say that we are getting infected at alarming numbers. You would think they would want to test me no matter what I said!
What a draining day! Let's get three snaps for being responsible.

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