
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Be Happy With A Frown

So, I am talking to a friend of mine who wants me to feel better. So she is pretty much telling me how she is making herself better to prepare herself for the man God has for her.
I am just listening silently.
I don't have the heart to tell her that God has no one for me because I am officially an adulterer because I didn't respect someone's union.
I know that she loves me and wants me to be well, but at this moment in time, I want to scream in her ear.
Her answer to my mood is to pray. I have this thing where I don't pray when I know I was in the wrong because that is just whack and I don't feel that God appreciates that. It's shifty.
She is telling me to cheer up and honestly, today was a good day, but for the most part, I just want to inhale junk food and watch SVU on Netflix. I think that that is going to be the key to my healing, not getting my eyebrows plucked so I feel better about me.

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