
Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Roomie

So, the other day Connie announces that she has found another roommate. It's a girl she works with. I forgot her name just that quick, but she seems like she is going to be nice.
However, just now, she goes on a baby rant about how she wanted a male roommate, which is funny, because she admitted herself that the last dude she tried to get in here didn't want to pay rent.
I politely explained that I have no desire to live with a man before I am hitched, and that she can just let me know when she wants to move a dude in here, at any time, and I can bounce. It is something that I have no desire to even want to try.
Of course, Connie, being the understanding person she is, said that my desire not to live with a man is a personal issue that I "need to get over." This made me smile. Her over desire to want to live with a man sounds like a problem to me. Why are you eager to have a man share your space? That makes my eyebrow raise, but then again, I have "personal issues."
Funny how you can be so different from a person. I am just happy that the newby has a vagina. I didn't like picking up after my brothers when I was a kid, and I wouldn't like cleaning up after a grown man now.

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