
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Death To Dreads

The only reason I had been able to not call Dreads is because my friends have been serial calling me to make sure that I didn't. I had also been trying hard to keep myself busy.
Well, today I had like five minutes of idol time and wanted to talk to him.
Knowing that this was a bad idea I called two of my friends, neither one of them answering.
So, after staring at my phone blankly, I called him. Ladies and gentlemen, my 20 second conversation with Dreads:
Dreads: Hello?
Me: Hello?
Dreads: Oh no no no no no no no no no no no. Be cool...and have a nice day.
Me: OK...bye.
OUCH, right? Well, at least one of us has a moral compass.
However, I got off the phone feeling oddly relieved. My desire to hear his voice was satisfied, and for a split second, I was happy. Then I was sad. Then I erased his number.
I shall wash his stage name off of my mirror. Not sure I am ready to part with the texts though.
It's official again readers. I am announcing for the uptenth time that I am done with men. I think I will go home tonight, maybe I will cry, catch some Law and Order SVU on Netflix, and take Dreads' advice and be cool.

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