
Friday, September 16, 2011

Phone Call Number 2

So yesterday guess who gave me a ring-ding: Mrs. Dreads!
Just as I have made my healing list and feel like I can breath, she decided to hit me up. Sigh.
She called me because I called Dreads. I mean, this lady is on it. Readers, my convo with Mrs. Dreads.
Me: Hello?
MD: Hello, may I speak with Holly please?
Me: This is she. Who's speaking?
MD: Hi, this is MD, Dread's wife.
Me: Oh...hi.
MD: Yes, I'm calling you because Dreads said you keep calling him, so I wanted to call you and see what's up. What, do you need closure or something?
Me: Yeah, that's what I thought I needed. But I'm good now. I erased his number, you don't have to worry about me.
MD: You're good now? Sure? Because I have known this man since he was 16. He does this every now and again. He finds these women. He tells them things. But he never leaves me.
Me: I didn't want him to leave you.
MD: Yeah? Well-
Me: Are you going to come beat me up?
MD: No. I'm a mother. Just because he wants to be a big dummy sometimes doesn't mean I have to be.
Me: Oh. OK.
MD: Well...have a good life! (Dial Tone)
Well, that was that. Dreads snitched on me so she called me. I was respectful, but something about her cool tone made me want to hella start talking shit on a Maury Povich level. This whole thing has made me the type of woman I DON'T want to be. On another note, I kind of like this lady. She's classy. I kind of want to be her friend; although, I doubt that that will happen because of the circumstances. She was in and out of my nightmares last night. I saved the number she called me from. Don't ask me why. I have problems and detachment issues. Don't judge me. Other than that, as far as this situation goes, I guess this is the official end.

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