
Friday, July 16, 2010

Introducing Mama Jamaica

There is this woman that attends my Aqua Fit class that I have nickname Mama Jamaica. I don't dislike her, but I would be lying if I said that she didn't annoy that absolute hell out of me.
She is a petite woman with a fat woman's breasts. She has a short little gray afro, and she wears one pieces that show a little bit too much bikini line for a woman of her years.
She always gets to class late which, again, annoys me. I know that it is not school, but she comes late and makes it a point to yell hello to us over the teacher's instructions. She also wears swim shoes. She has a pair for every one piece. Come on! We are doing arm flaps in three feet of water! Must you be so equipped?
Recently, I suppose she has appointed herself gym attendance keeper. She tells me as she jogs past me in the pool, "Haven't seen you in a while." OK. I heard her say it to a couple of other ladies in the locker room. I guess after three absences, we get detention.
I get the feeling that she may have been a teacher, just by the way she has a need to instruct the class, even though we have a CERTIFIED instructor there.
And her accent is so deep, even though I think she has been here for like ever, that I half expect her to break into "Flex" during a conversation!
What can you say? God bless the old folks.

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