
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Text Mess

Texting is ruining the fabric of America. I just want to make that clear.
OK, maybe not America, but relationships.
Like four of my friends have complained to me about man text convos in like the past week. The problem? They are left to figure out the severity of words from a text without hearing their beau's voice. Was he being funny, or was he getting an attitude? Was he serious, or was this a joke? Or even worse, they are left to try to figure out what he meant by not responding at all!
As if men were not hard enough to understand, we have to try to interpret their misspellings and lack of appropriate grammar to figure out what is going on! I don't know about you, but I don't understand the men in my life when they are talking to me. Now I have to try to figure out the true meaning of the five words that they typed, attention split between me and their XBox.
New rule: no man text convos...ever. Not even family. It leaves too many questions unanswered: too many things up in the air. Texting has become their new way of avoiding us and conflict. Conflict is healthy. Plus, I miss conversations. Anyway, how can you base a relationship off of pre-meditated typing? How can you really get to know someone like that? If doing so has really worked for you, shoot me a text.

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