
Friday, July 23, 2010

Stuck on Chill

I am so relaxed right now, like I don't have HELLA stuff I need to be working on.
I am going to be honest. Ever since I got back from Miami, it has been hard for me to focus. I close my eyes and see the beach and palm trees and designer shopping bags. I get put in such a relaxed place that I just want to roll over and chill.
On top of that is this knee thing. Granted, it feels like 90% better, but I have gotten used to not moving because I was in pain.
But the kicker is my beautiful Aunt Flo that came to visit. She has worn me out. Right now, as I type with my index finger, I lie on my side nibbling on a cookie. Every time I inhale too deeply my knee pops, and every time I roll over on my stomach, I fall asleep. I promise you, besides doing a couple of interviews and research for work, I have done nothing, and I feel like I have just run the track a few times.
So I guess that I will savor the rest of the day, for tomorrow, I will be so not chilling. I will be chin deep in work, wishing I was still in Miami.

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