
Monday, August 25, 2014

The Terrible 29s 5: Can You Pay My Bills?

Once upon a time, I was a college student, working towards my degree so that I could be an independent woman because BEYONCE told me I should be. How I looked down on those girls who treated college like one big date night. Fast forward 8 years and I fall asleep with my power bill stuck to my face. Who knew tears could be an adhesive?  I AM SO BROKE? WHY AM I SO BROKE?!

Today, most of those date girls are married with kids, enjoying the spoils of being a stay at home mom. Meanwhile, I just bought a roll of toilet paper with pennies from the bottom of my purse. How could I have been so stupid, questioning the formula that had worked throughout the ages, just so I could say I was independent? My mouth waters thinking of how I could have an all-expense paid life- a life free of coupons and leftovers. I have tried taking care of myself and I am woman enough to admit that I have failed. I am now ready for a man that has been socialized to take care of a woman to come in and clean up this mess! From my mouth to God’s ears.

In the meanwhile, how much do you think I can get for pawning my degree?  

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