
Monday, September 15, 2014

The Inspiration 1: Resilience Tips

Here's a secret: the struggle is real out here, especially for those of us dream chasers. How resilient you are can determine whether or not you reach your goals! Stress expert Jan Bruce has some tips to help us through.
1.    Believing in yourself. It seems obvious, but in fact, you won’t get very far without it. A resilient person is not cocky but quite the opposite: she has a clear sense of her own potential, capability, and ability to cope and achieve—a top trait of resilient people. 
2.    Being able to see what is possible, while also seeing what is.  The most resilient people assess their surroundings as well as their own strengths and weaknesses, and know where they will excel—and where they will fall short. At the same time, they have a positive bias—they expect good things from the world and from other people. 
3.    Controlling your impulses and feelings. With the ability to self-evaluate and assess a situation must come the willingness to manage the impulses and emotions that result. The most resilient people don’t combust over little (or big) things. They take everything into account before they respond so that they don’t make rash decisions or other actions they may regret.

4. Aiming high ... and reaching out.  A resilient person doesn’t curl up and die over the slightest rejection or failure. In fact, she does the opposite; she expands, and reaches out—even in the wake of crisis. This is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of resilience: Your ability to continue to aim high and reach for it, instead of lowering your standards, expectations, or efforts. 

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