
Friday, September 19, 2014

The Terrible 29s 7: Destitution Discomfort

Yesterday was a tramatic day. 
I had an allergic reaction to my lunch which was horrifying! I'd never had one before, and I found myself with burning lips, scratching at my neck. 
Luckily, one of my friends was able to bring me some medicine or I would have had to go to the ER. My uninsured friends know how hellacious that is. Naturally, I invited her upstairs to my room to hang out and she was like, "It's hot in here!" And I explained to her that I NEVER turn on my air conditioning, relying solely on Dollar Store box fans. The last time I turned on my air for an hour I was charged like $300. And then she gave me a look. 
I'd made that look only once before myself when a man I was dating told me he didn't think that Storm was worthy of being an X-Man. It's a look of confusion, shock, and awe. What really hurt me was the hint of disgust in her face which read, "Bitch, what are you a peasant?! How broke are you really?! I could never live like this!"
I have reached a new level of broke: the stage where you are snubbed by life long friends! I am so broke I am actually making folks uncomfortable!
She stayed in my room all of five minutes and then ran out of here so fast there were sparks flying off her custom edition Nikes. It was like she was afraid that the humbleness of my apartment was going to grab her by the ankles and pull her through the carpet into a lower income bracket. 
I would tell her she hurt me, but why? It is hot in my apartment and I do wish I could turn on my air. It is what it is. #brokegirlproblems

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