
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The End of The Girlfriend- A Theory

I had a really good conversation with my friend Jamaica the other night about what we have dubbed as "The End of the Girlfriend" amongst young, Black, professional women. It seems like only a couple of years ago I could not go out to dinner without seeing us in friend cliques, sharing Calamari and sampling each other's Martini's over fun conversations. But it seems that the older I get, the more I am seeing Black girlfriend circles thinning out; the more I hear friends say things like "they are Spring cleaning" in the friend department or "eliminating drama" from their lives. I assumed that it was because as you get older, naturally friendships fade. But Jamaica offered me a different and perhaps more logical explanation to the extinction of the Black girl friendship.
"We can't be friends! We are all in competition!"
Competition for what? You already know: the Black man.
As I am sure the nation is aware of now after CNN's Black in America, the stats read that most successful sistahs are single- rich, but alone. Black men are either gay, in the slammer, uneducated, dead, or the dreaded possibility: dating outside of the Black community. This is a situation that has 30 something Black women clenching their fists and the 20 something Black women throwing 'bows! After getting our fortunes read, we now understand that we are at prime picking age for good relationships with the few eligible brothas left, and we will fight to the death to get one, cutting the competition at the knees. Unfortunately, that competition is our equally pretty, smart, and available BFFs.
I am not sure how true this is, but it is very plausible, considering how competitive girls can be. Imagine how it is now, seeing that we are in a serious situation! I shook it off. I'm a friends forever type of gal. After we get our husbands or partners, we will gravitate back to those women we love. Women can't live without some female comradery. The competition will be over, right? WRONG!
"We can't be friends after we get the ring, because we have to now keep the man! We can't have competition around, especially if she is single!"
This idea made me sad. But as I am bombarded by Facebook statuses about tossing friends and needing a man, I can not help but wonder if this theory is at least partially true. One thing's for sure, if the dating scene for the single Black woman is about to get dirty going into my 30s, I am definitely going to need my girls there for support, competition or not.

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